December 29, 2008

Evan Meets Santa Claus

Well, after three trips to the mall and hours in line, Evan finally got to sit on Santa's lap! He was fascinated with Santa, mostly staring open-mouthed at him the whole time. He didn't try to pull on his beard or anything.

December 09, 2008

Our Growing Boy!

Another time lapse pic... This one from 4 months to 6 months old. Definitely a fun and happy time for Mr. Evan James!

December 04, 2008

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

It looks like Evan is gonna like snow, just like his dad does! When he first saw the flakes coming down through the front window, he just stared at them in amazement. So, we put him in his snowsuit and let him play out in the front yard!

November 30, 2008

Turkey Day!

Even though Evan wasn't able to enjoy turkey or pumpkin pie this year, he got a good look at it and is excited to try it next year! He had such a great time visiting with family on Thanksgiving.... he didn't even nap!

November 28, 2008

Evan Goes to the Zoo!

With the weather being so great in November, we decided to take Evan for his first trip to the Zoo. He loves all of his stuffed animals so much and is especially fond of the Giraffe painted on his wall, so we thought he'd like to see some real life creatures! He seemed to enjoy the giraffes, leopards and tigers... but his favorite was the underwater tank with the seals.

November 22, 2008

Hooray for Solid Food!

So, the time has come to start Evan on solid food. He had dabbled just a little bit in rice cereal and oatmeal the last week or two, but this week he was ready for the good stuff... Veggies! I'm so excited that I get to make all of Evan's food myself in the baby food processor. So far, his menu consists of squash, peas, rice cereal and oatmeal. He likes the squash and loves the peas! But after tasting those two, he's not very excited about the grains. Looks like we will have to get creative with them. Next up: fruit! On a side note: we are not very excited about what all this is doing for his diapers!

November 17, 2008

Our Little Pumpkin

Halloween kicked off the beginning of what should be a very exciting holiday season for little Evs. He had a blast when we took him to the Great Pumpkin Patch in Lakewood. Then, he was the lucky recipient of two adorable costumes! (Thanks Grandmas) He did great, getting changed in and out of his costumes as we visited with friends and family on Halloween.

November 15, 2008

My, how he has grown!

Our friend Nicole suggested that we take a picture of Evan every month on the 18th to show how he has grown. I took it a step further and dressed him in the same outfit, because i'm crazy like that. So, here it is... Evan's growth from 2 days old to 3 months old. Yes, I know he's almost 6 months old, but i'm getting a late start on this blog thing. I'll post the next sequence of pics at some point in the future.